If you are itching to shop and you want your shopping to be as affordable as the items sold in Divisoria, then Uyanguren is the place for you. There is a very small difference in the price of items sold in Uyanguren. Divisoria is cheaper than China town of Davao, Uyanguren. But the price is like 10-20 pesos in difference, overall it is affordable. Compared from ordering on online shops in facebook, it is much cheaper to buy in Uyanguren. There are so many reasons why it is better to shop in Uyanguren than, buying on online shops that sells items from Divisoria. More likely it is with the same quality and the same price. When you order online you do not only pay for the item but also with the shipping fee. So if you feel like shopping online, you make sure that all the items in that shop could not be found at Uyanguren or else you will regret it. Trust me! I know, I almost cried when I knew it was only 40 pesos and I bought it online for 75 pesos plus the shipping fee of 100 pesos. Tell me how frustrating it was?
Well here are some pointers before you buy in Uyanguren to make sure you will purchase a very good quality at very affordable price:
1. You should not deal with the tindera or the sales lady, because sometimes they do not control of what lowest price they should give you.
2. as for no.1, you should deal with the intsik or the chinese who is the owner of the store. If you are a suki, you can haggle as much as you can.
3. If you are not entertained immediately don't get mad. Instead, give them a smile and then haggle. They will be shy if they made you wait for an hour long and you don't get any discount.
4. If you are buying for wholesale, rest assured you have a discount.
5. If the number of items to be purchased is 6 for it to be considered as wholesale, and you are only purchasing 4 you can still haggle for discount to the intsik not to the tindera.
6. If you are a suki, don't get to much confident if the intsik is giving you a big discount. Sometimes, what you think as the discount is not what you see it is. Sometimes it is on sale and the intsik will give you the said "discount price" since you do not know it is on sale.
7. If the intsik is unapproachable specially this big fat insecure lady intsik, well do not deal with her. deal with her husband who is more approachable.(if you know what I mean).
8. If you will buy this one item that you think the big fat insecure lady intsik only sells it, well you better not hurry. You can always find good stuff around.
9. Try not to act like you are "mayaman", because intsiks will not make you haggle with the item.
10. Always have a list with you, if you don't like list the try memorizing the items you should buy. Because if you don't, you will end up buying anything you can buy and not realizing that you are buying the unnecessary items.
So that is all, I hope you can relate with that or if not. Feel Free to ask me questions..
credits to the owner of the picture
P.S Sorry if my english is like carabao and konyo at the same time. LOL had to watch Mikey Bustos for some reason XD
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